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Hand Stretch Film Available

Easiwrap Puncture-Resistant & Nick Proof Technology

Preferred Plastics & Packaging Co is a nationwide distributor of a variety of different types of stretch film for packaging purposes, including hand stretch film. This is a material that is perfect for those packaging and shipping products. Wrap pallets and packaging with this dependable hand stretch film. We have a great selection of hand stretch film to choose from, which will ensure that you can select the type that best suits your needs. Get a quote for the materials you need today.

Get Quote

We stock our materials at low, affordable rates. So, if you would like a quote for any of the packaging materials we supply, please give us a call today. We can go over the various purchasing details with you in regard to our selection of stretch films for shippers and packagers.

What is Hand Stretch Film?

Many industries across the country use hand stretch film to ship their products. To do so, these shipping companies place their products on pallets and build up. Once they finish stacking the pallet, that is when you wrap the hand stretch film around in order to properly secure the shipments. It is a simple way to ensure the stacked products don't move out of place. It stabilizes the shipping pallet and whatever happens to be on it, which in many cases is boxes.

Our Easiwrap stretch film products are a technology breakthrough in the stretch film industry. With this type of stretch film, you can simply wrap your pallet twice and let this pre-programmed film do the work. Easiwrap will shrink up to 30% after being applied. This gives the user a tight force to load, demonstrating load containment comparable to that of machine applications. Easiwrap is the only pre-programmed stretch film with the ability to potentially cut your labor. As much as 50% can be saved. Labor is more expensive than the stretch film you use to wrap your pallet with, which is where you get that cut. But don't just take our word for it! Make the decision and purchase it.

Characteristics of Hand Stretch Film

Easiwrap product characteristics provide our clientele with unprecedented value proposition. Stretch film offers many great benefits and is used throughout different industries. Easiwrap characteristics include: 

  • nick proof technology (no waste)
  • puncture-resistant (reduces breaking, caring and puncture migration)
  • eliminates propagation of puncture through the full web of the film

Easiwrap will cut down on product damage in transit (100% elasticity simulating a giant bungee cord). Simply put, this sort of stretch film is a step up from the typical hand stretch film out on the market.


  • Greater efficiency during transport: by allowing pallet loads to be stacked higher and compactly, shippers will see more efficiency during the transportation of the goods.
  • Reduces wasted space: get more compact shipping loads, which means shippers can economically ship more products on one go-round. 
  • Lowers transportation costs: due to the space saved on the trucks, shipping companies lower transportation costs since more products and goods can be shipped at one time. 
  • Extra level of safety: since the hand stretch film securely packs together shipments, there is an added level of safety and less of a chance the loads shift during transport. Ultimately reducing breakages of products and goods during the transportation.
  • Improves product handling: by streamlining the work process and speeding up operations, there is an improvement in the product handling. Meaning there is less of a need to handle the products, since they are securely wrapped with hand stretch film on a pallet. And reduces the need to constantly re-pack or reload pallets that have become loose during transportation and movement.

Hand Stretch Film

When To Use Hand Stretch Film

Here are some of the most common times when to use hand stretch film:

  • Operational setup does not permit wrapping in some places.
  • There is not much room to work with in the warehouse.
  • Low pallet volume wrapping is required.
  • It is too risky to transport pallets to a stretch wrapper.
  • Buyer accepts variation in package integrity.

Check out:

Our Selection of Stretch Films

Our Selection of Hand Films

How To Use Hand Stretch Film

Shrink Wrap Benefits

Strapping Systems

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