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Cloth Shipping & Packaging Tapes

Nationwide Supplier of Packaging Supplies

Preferred Plastics & Packaging has a great selection of cloth tapes that are perfect for packaging and shipping applications. In general, cloth and fabric tapes offer a higher tensile strength than your typical adhesive tapes. And they also have a more flexible composition. Many cloth tapes incorporate woven and non-woven carriers as the primary component for the additional ruggedness. The cloth tapes we sell meet the highest standards in the industry. Which makes them popular for many different applications, including use in the medical, construction, textile, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, manufacturing and shipping industries.

Cloth Tape Uses & Benefits

Cloth tape has a reputation for high-strength due to the use of industrial fabrics as the backing of the adhesive. What this does is increase the overall tensile strength of the product and enhances the geometric adaptability of the product during the application.

Some common benefits of cloth tape is includes its resistance to heat, great insulation, its resistance to abrasion and overall breathability.

When it comes to general uses of cloth tape, the usage of it is largely determined by its compatibility with the bonding substrate. Many cloth tapes are pressure-sensitive activated. And some cloth tapes may feature double-sided adhesives.

Common Types of Cloth Tapes

Duct Tape

The most common type of cloth tape is of course the duct tape. It performs well in nearly all applications and setting. Duct tape is strong, versatile, and waterproof. However, it is susceptible to heat. What started out as tape only used on construction and contracting project has become widely used across industries.

Duct tape is backed by loosely woven fibers that are then sealed by polyethylene. The threads of duct tape tend to be polyester, nylon, rayon, or fiberglass. One con of duct tape is the residue that is left when you remove it.

Friction Tape

Friction tape is a cloth tape that is infused with rubber adhesive to increase friction and grip during application. You can use friction tape as an insulator, too, and is durable and resistant to corrosion. The adhesion is two-sided and commonly applied to handles and other areas where you need to reinforce grip.

Gaffer's Tape

Gaffer's tape is rugged and cloth-backed and has a synthetic rubber adhesive. It is the perfect tape to use in conjunction with electrical and A/V components due to its lack of residue upon removal.

Cambric Tapes

Cambric tape is a type of cotton electrical tape that has a yellow insulation varnish. This tape has excellent electrical insulating properties and comes in non-adhesive varieties. They are resistant to abrasion and puncture and specially designed to insulate motor leads, bus bars and service drop connections.

Glass & Fiberglass Tapes

Both glass and fiberglass tapes have a temperature-resistant silicone adhesive. Where the fabric displays high strength, abrasion resistance, and resistance to weather. So it is suitable for splicing and shielding. Use fiberglass tapes to cover drywall joints.

Medical Tape

Medical tape comes in three different versions of adhesive tape that can be applied to human skin. There is woven cotton, woven microfiber, and woven polyester. This is the sort of tape that holds bandages, dressings and tubing. Medical tape is formulated to be breathable, which promotes healing. And the stiff fabric and application can support and compress body parts easily.

Nuclear Tape

Nuclear tape consists of polyethylene coated cloth scrim and has a rubber adhesive. Often being able to resist temperatures of 200 ° F. You can use it in nuclear operation and ship repairs. Overall, it is designed for use with nickel-based alloys and stainless steels.

Wholesale Cloth Tapes Distributor

Preferred Plastics and Packaging has years of experience selling all different sorts of cloth tapes that are perfect for shipping and packaging applications. We have a great selection of carton sealing, industrial and specialty tapes. And we proudly partner with the best brands in the US to bring you, our customer, the most reliable products. Some of the more notable brands we sell are QuikTak, ShurTape, IPG, PrimeTac and Tesa.

Get Quote

For more information about all of the products we sell, please reach out to us today. Request a free quote today. When you reach out, we can also answer any general questions you may have about the cloth tape we have for sale.

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