Palletizing / Stretch Film / Strapping Product Category

Shrink Films / Bags / Food Films Product Category

Carton Sealing / Industrial / Specialty Product Category

Janitorial / Maintenance Product Category

Padpak / Bubble / Foam / In-The-Box Packaging Product Category

Packaging Equipment Product Category

Label Applicators / Bar Code & Marking Systems Product Category

Slip Sheets Benefits

Slip sheets offer every user some wonderful benefits. If you do not know what slip sheets are, well, they are used for shipping and transportation. They are sheets that you place on a pallet, so the materials do not move. And you can use them to easily separate different materials on the same pallet. When you ship, the materials ship safely and securely.

Here are some of the more notable benefits you will get when you opt for slip sheets.

Cost-Effective & Eco-Friendly

Perhaps the most notable advantage of slip sheets is how cost effective they are. Slip sheets are cheap enough to be thrown away after each use and do not need to be tracked or repaired, which is the case when using pallets. So you can use them almost as an alternative in some cases. And since they are easily recyclable, they are eco-friendly.

Maximize Space for Shipping & Storage

Since slip sheets are so much lighter than pallets, using them for transportation or storage is much easier. When transporting, the load is lighter, thus more cost-effective. And when using for storage, they are thinner, so you get more storage space. And you can save on vertical space, too, due to how thin they are. This benefits shipping, since you can divide up a pallet with slip sheets instead of using a much heavier pallet.

Keep Warehouse Cleaner

When you use a slip sheet, you get the benefits of a cleaner warehouse. The number one reason for the infestations of rodents and contamination is from the pallets. By having less around, you limit this risk. Rodents often will stow away under the pallets. However, due to the thinness of the slip sheet, that is impossible. And since you can easily throw the sheet away, you avoid any contamination buildup over time.

Slip Sheets Offer Safety

Using slip sheets allows for a safer work environment. First, workers won't need to move around pallets, which are heavy, so you avoid worker injuries. And on top of that, the use of slip sheets eliminates fire hazards, since you are reducing the storage of wooden pallets in the warehouse or outside.

The Disadvantages of Slip Sheets

Of course, as with anything, there are some disadvantages when you use slip sheets, too. It isn't all perfect. If you use slip sheets as a direct replacement of pallets, then you need a push/pull attachment for the lift truck, which is expensive. This attachment will hold onto the lip of the slip sheet and pull the load off and onto the wide forks.

So on top of this attachment is also the training of how to use this attachment safely. It takes time and practice to get the hang of this maneuver, which is more difficult than if it was simply on a pallet.

And then there is the need to know which slip sheet is best for your application, since you have the option of choosing multiple ones. Slip sheets come in three different materials:

  • plastic
  • paper
  • solid fiber

And then there is the information regarding the load of materials, which includes:

  • weight and dimensions of the load.
  • how many times the load needs to be handled.
  • present conditions (humidity, freezer, etc.).
  • will slipping between slip sheet and load be a problem or is extra treatment needed.

Contact Us Today

For more information about our various shipping and packaging materials, please get in touch with us today. We will gladly answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding all that we offer. The number for our office is 973-759-1510973-759-1510.

Get Quote

When you call, we can discuss everything you need in regard to our vast selection of shipping materials. For inquiries about orders and pricing, send an email to We look forward to working with you! We have years of experience in this industry and have become a trusted name for many who need affordable shipping and packaging materials.

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