Palletizing / Stretch Film / Strapping Product Category
Shrink Films / Bags / Food Films Product Category
Carton Sealing / Industrial / Specialty Product Category
Janitorial / Maintenance Product Category
Padpak / Bubble / Foam / In-The-Box Packaging Product Category
Packaging Equipment Product Category
Label Applicators / Bar Code & Marking Systems Product Category
Preferred Plastics & Packaging offers a great selection of packaging supplies including Korrvu retention and suspension boxes. These boxes will make your shipping easier and safe. Get boxes of all sizes to perfectly fit what you need. Check out our selection of Korrvu products below.
Retention Box 7.5 x 5.5 x 2. Hard drives, small circuit boards, cell phones, cameras, meters & gauges, handheld computers.
Retention 11 x 8 x 2. Circuit boards, books, & videos, accessories, cables, replacement parts, awards & plaques.
Retention 14 x 12 x 2.75. Mother boards, circuit boards, CD ROM drives, handheld electronics, computer peripherals, replacement parts.
Laptop Pack 17 x 17 x 8. Laptop computers.
17 x 14 x 8. Laptop computer without accessories.
Retention 12 x 10 x 5 . Spare parts, electronic assemblies, drives, powere supplies, hand held electronics.
Suspension 12 x 10 x 5. Digital cameras, consumer electronics, drives, measuring equipment, optics, glass, ceramics.
Retention 11.5 x 2.375 x 13.25. Fits Fed Ex medium box and UPS priority mailbox 0-1097. Electronic circuit boards, framed photos, books, CD's gifts.
Retention 12.5 x 3 x 17.5. Fits Fed Ex large box, large circuit boards, gifts, award plaques. Books, electronics.
Retention 18.875 x 16.875 x 5. 15" and 17" laptop computers. Consumer electronics.